International dog show in Nitra 28.11.2015
Judge: Piotr Król (PL)
Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků – champion cl. – Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
22.11.2015 Eldorado (Erik) became a sire.
Jesi u Klobásné gave birth to 9 puppies sired by our Erik. Six of them survived: 2 white girls, 2 brown girls, 2 brown boys. We wish them good luck!
11.11.2015 Our Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků (Erik) will become a sire again.
Pregnancy was confirmed by female Jesi u Klobásné. Puppies should be born in the end of November. In case you are interested in a puppy, please contact me by email.
Erik and Dar are enjoying beautiful autumn days at our cottage in v Jizerské mountains.
28.10.2015 Dar's daughter Jorika z Těšínovských buků took a part at Clubs obligatory tests OLV (Checking of hunting skills).
Jorika passed well and is now qualified to become a brood bitch. Huge congratulations.
International dog show DANUBE duo CACIB Bratislava 24. – 25.10.2015
24.10. – judge: Pavel Navrátil
Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků – champion class – Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
25.10. – judge: Tatiana Urek
Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků – champion class – Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Eldorádo is now qualified for ´Slovak grand champion´.

The title ´Champion of ČMKU´ was now added among Eldorádo's titles.
It was given to him in May already.
October 2015
On 13.10.2015 I went for HD examination with Eldorádo to MVDr. Michal Čáp (Vet clinic - Poděbradská, Praha 9). HD X-ray is not obligatory for being a stud, but I wanted to be sure and have it also for abroad breeders. His results is great: no signs of HD ( A/A = 0/0). I was told that his hips are in great condition even due to his age and his intense activity. I was very happy for the results!
September 2015
In south Bohemia two of Eldorado's sons met as 'visitors' at F.Houska Memorial. They had great time in water - brown boys Ontario z Těšínovských buků and Orient z Těšínovských buků. They are 4,5 months old at the photos.

Our Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků got diplomas from Belgium.
He is now:
International champion of beauty – CIB
International show champion - CIE

International dog show – Mladá Boleslav 29.8.2015
Dar was shown at IDS Mlada Boleslav and great. He got BOV in veteran class, and again became winner of the breed - BOB. Dar is still looking great.
Judge: Petr Řehánek
Dar z Huťské osady – veteran class – Exc.1, BOV, BOB
Dar is now qualified to obtain title Czech veteran champion.

15.8.2015 Dar's daughter Jorika z Těšínovských buků took a prt at Autumn tests for pointers (Písek).
She did wel, passed the exam in 1st merit (278 p.) and 4th place in total. Confratulations!
1st August 2015 - Jorika z Těšínovských passed water hunting tests (OMS Písek).
Huge congratulations as she ended on 4th place out of 12 dogs, 1st merit and 92 points.
National dog show - Mladá Boleslav 18.7
Excellent ´comeback´ of Dar to the czech shows. Dar was shown in veteran class and became Best of breed. He was stunning during the final competitions. He was placed number 1 in competition for the National breeds, second among all veterans and also resBIG, when he competed for the group winner with wonderful and famous irish setter. Dar left the shows few years back and his return was perfect.
Judge: Oldřich Nehyba
Dar z Huťské osady – veteran class – Exc.1, BOV, BOB
Final competitions:
National prize – judge: MVDr. F. Šimek – 1st place
Best veteran – judge: P. Studeník – 2nd place
BIG – judge: Ing. V. Vlasák – 2nd place

World dog show Milano – 11.6.2015
Week after the Club show we left to Italy for the World dog show. Eldorado kept his great ride and became World Winner and BOB. Dar was placed 2nd in veteran class behind his father - Borek z Duškova dvora. Dar's daughter – Jorika z Těšínovských buků – was also World winner and Best of opposite sex.
Judge: Gaboardi Luigi (It.)
Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků – winners class – Exc.1, CACIB, BOB, World Winner
Dar z Huťské osady – veteran class – Exc.2
Jorika z Těšínovských buků – winners class – Exc.1, CACIB, BOS, World Winner
Club show of Cesky fousek – 6.6.2015 - Kolesa
Eldorado rocked – he became Club winner and also total winner of the whole show when he won also BOB title.
On the 6th June I participated at Club show together with Eldorado (in winners class) and Dar (in veteran class) at club show, where 70 dogs were entered. We had great success even when the weather was very hot and it was not easy to show both dogs. Dar became the best veteran of the show. Erik (Eldorado) got CAC in winners class, he became Club winner soon after and in the end also BOB. I very happy for these results and I appreciate them very much. We got a lot of cups and so many prizes we had a problem to fit them all in the car together with dogs. This show was very nice experience for me and I will never forget it. Also one of Dar's son, Ivanhoe z Těšínovských buků, took a part at the show. He is well grown up big male and was Exc.3rd and also listed for breeding.
Judges: Ing. J. Havlát, P. Hermann
Ivanhoe z Těšínovských buků – working class – Exc.3, listed for breeding
Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků – winners class – Exc.1, CAC, Club winner, BOB
Dar z Huťské osady – veteran class – Exc.1, BOV
June 2015 - Puppies by our Erik (Eldorádo) and also Dar's grandchildren
June 2015 - Dar's grandchildren at age of 12 days.
Dam is Hessi od Vavřineckého rybníka and sire is Vax z Těšínovských buků.

12.5.2015 A lot of Dars descendants were born this year.
Summary: 3 sisters (all Dar's daughters) – Haidy, Hassi, Hessi – od Vavřineckého rybníka had litters shortly one by after the other (in March Haidy, in April Hassi, in May Hessi). Next Dar's daughter – Greta ze Staropleských luk gave birth in March 2015. And Dar's son – Eldorádo became father in April 2015.
I am so happy to that Dar made his mark at breeding of Cesky fousek in our country. Several of his grandchilder will find homes in abroad - Norway, Germany, Denmark and USA (by Haidy and by Hassi)
9.5.2015 Dar is granddad again
His daughter – CZCh. Hessi od Vavřineckého rybníka gave birth to her very first litter 9.5.2015 - 4 boys and 4 girls. I was writing about Hessi at this website so many times. She is an outstanding female – beautiful exterior, excellent coat, HD 0/0, friendly character, natural hunting talent, who loves water and reed. Although she was trained and handled at hunting tests by a beginner withour experience, she always passed the tests with excellent results. Sire of the litter is a wonderful Vax z Těšínovských buků, who made it to the TOP pointing dog Czech competition - Memoriál Karla Podhajského in 2010. Here he ended up on 2nd place.
8.5.2015 Hessi od Vavřineckého rybníka
Dar's daughter – Hessi od Vavřineckého rybníka 1 day before giving birth.
Dar and his son Eldorádo (Erik) are enjoying snow on 1st May!
At our beloved cottage in Jizerské mountains, where they can enjoy running and playing.
26.4.2015 Great news!
Our Eldorádo (Erik) became a father and his dad Dar became therefore again grandsire. On 26.4.2015 Champion and Club Winner Cilka z Debce became dam and Erik sire. They have 5 boys and 4 girls. It is unbelievable coincidence, that precisely 2 years ago Cilka z Debce became dam. But at that time, in 2013, sire was our Dar. Out of this combination comes very successful Jorika z Těšínovských buků. As well as two years ago, also now all puppies are brown. Puppies look strong and nice. We hope for nice exterior and great hunting talents. For those of you, who are interested in puppies, you can contact us.
25.4.2015 - Great success of Dar's daughter Jorika z Těšínovských buků.
At international show in Ceske Budejovice Jorika got CAC, CACIB and BOB. Jorika is very elegant and noble brown female with nice movement. Congrats to her!
19.4.2015 - Dar became grandfather again.
On 19.4.2015 his daughter Hassi od Vavřineckého rybníka gave birth to her second litter - 3 boys and 6 girls. Sire is Don z Dočkalova dvora. Congratulations!
03/2015 The most successful cesky fousek at shows
Our Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků (Erik) was placed on 1st place at club competition "The most successful cesky fousek at shows 2014". Right behind him - at 2nd place is Dar's daughter Jorika z Těšínovských buků. We are thrilled by these results of Dar's chldren.
03/2015 Meeting of Dar's descendants in Třeboň.
At the photos – Eldorádo z Těšínovských buků (Erik), India z Těšínovských buků (called Berry) and Hessi od Vavřineckého rybníka.
We had the meeting near a pond with reed, in which Hessi spent the whole time - her favourite activity!
India z Těšínovských buků
from the left Eldorádo , India, Hessi / Hessi od Vavřineckého rybníka
11.3.2015 New from Heidy
Dar's daughter – Haidy od Vavřineckého rybníka – also gave birth to her very first litter. She has 4 boys and 3 girls sired by Don z Dočkalova dvora. Seriously interested buyers can contact me for further info. We hope in excellent working qualities and exterior in this litter.
02/2015 News from Greta
Dar's daughter – Greta ze Staropleských luk – gave birth in the end of February 2015. She is now taking care of three boys, their sire is je Gyrr od Vavřineckého rybníka. Congratulations!
Dar is enjoying the atmosphere of Christmas tree.
3.1.2015 – National dog show – Brno
judge: Oldřich Nehyba
Dar's daughter – Jorika z Těšínovských buků – intermediate cl. – Exc.1, CAC. Jorika met conditions of Czech Champion. Big congratulations!
Dar's daughter – Greta ze Staropleských luk – open cl. – Exc.1, CAC, National Winner, BOB. In final competitions (judge: MVDr. F. Šimek) was places 2nd BIG. It is huge success. Also Gretka met conditions of becoming Czech Champion. Big congratulations!